Monday 3 March 2014

Welcome to Polished Not Perfect

Hi and welcome to my new shiny blog. I'm a bit new to this so hopefully you'll forgive any early mistakes I make with regards to blogging.

I've recently got into my nail art and the various techniques that can be used. I'm still learning hence the title of Polished Not perfect but I'm hoping that by reporting my successes and failures that I can be a friendly reference source to those who are also unsure of where to start with polish techniques.

My current aim is to try and post something interesting and new at least once a week for you to digest and enjoy. As any good blogger would be I am open to feedback, comments and advice.

Happy reading and it's great to have you on board!

Much Love
Polished Not Perfect


  1. Following you now :) Best of luck! xx

  2. Thanks Maria! Just finished my first proper entry (after muchos bad language) Would be great to know what you think!
